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Bless The Hollywood Rain

Bless The Hollywood Rain

I'm so happy to announce that the rain has come to Hollywood today. I've been in LA a week, and have been hiking in the mountains everyday. I've seen the thirst of the plants and trees. The deer are munching on dried plants, and the trees are letting go of leaves and twigs because of the dryness. I remember last time I was in LA, 3 years ago, when everything was so green. It reminded me of Ireland in fact. A sunny version of Ireland, with tropical ambience. So up in the mountains, I prayed for the rain to come. And today, I'm so happy to see that it's arrived.

I have such a good attitude in life. While I've been in LA, the men haven't shown interest in booking a date with me. The silence has given me other reason for being here... to go to the mountains and pray for rain. To imagine the dark clouds rolling into a pale blue sky, and letting down the waters that cool us all down, and maintain life.

I think that if we all wish for rain to come; if we all consider the natural world around us, and consider giving gratitude for all that we see, this will bring more balance in the weather.. as well as in our own lives. I see that with dedication and good intention, things will always work out for the best.

I realize I'm not bringing porn star energy to LA. I'm not here to be famous, busy, or convince anyone to see me. But I brought peace with me, respect, hope, and I have gratitude for what I can bring to LA. Sometimes those who have need and want, are not the ones we had considered. For me, the natural world has needed my prayers. The clouds have needed an invitation to arrive. I have blessed the thirsty earth, all this week, and now am excited to see the rain falling! Bless the Rain

Just think if we all lift up that intention, to bring in balance of weather and healing to all beings. I hope that this weather cools you all down, refreshes you, gives you a renewed sense of hope. We are all part of nature, and as the earth around us is refreshed, we feel it in ourselves too.

Have a good time going outside in the rain. Playing and getting soaked. I'm about to climb the mountain and look at the amazing view of Hollywood getting rained on, and shrouded in dark blue clouds.

Lots of Love, Los Angeles xoxoxo Cameo

"May all beings be well; May all beings be happy; May all beings be free from suffering. May all beings live in ease"

Copyright Cameo Knightley | May 15, 2015 at 2:55 am

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